
Illinois Public Pensions Database

Search Illinois Public Employee Pension Data

Illinois Public Pensions Database

Funding public-employee pension systems is perhaps the most vexing emergency facing Illinois taxpayers. We collected data from the largest public pensions systems in the state and centralized it into our Illinois Public Pensions Database from 2012 to 2022.

Here’s what our revamped pension database can do:

Looking for a person? Jump to individual benefit search

Pension Liability by System

State Funds

Total Liability


Funds represented:

Cook County Funds

Total Liability


Funds represented:

Chicago Municipal Funds

Total Liability


Funds represented:

Downstate Municipal Funds

Total Liability


Funds represented: ; Does not include police and fire pension funds for individual cities

The Illinois Public Pensions Database is costly in both time and resources. Like what you see? Please consider making a donation to help us continue this work.

Here is a deeper look at liabilities for individual pension funds. To select a different fund to examine, click on the drop down menu on the left.

Pension Liability by Fund

Total Liability


Funding Level

You can also examine how much of a total pension bill goes for benefits earned in the current year versus how much of the bill goes to make up for underpayments in the past.

What are we comparing to tell that story?

  • “Employer normal cost,” which is the cost for pension benefits earned in a given year.
  • “Amortization cost,” which is the cost of borrowing to pay back underfunding in the past.

Distribution of Employer Contribution

Total Employer Contribution


Finally, users will be able to track how much money hundreds of thousands of retired public-sector employees in Illinois have received in pension payments dating back to 2012. This is searchable information from the pension funds, including Chicago, Cook County, the state of Illinois and many suburbs and Downstate municipalities.

PS: This is data only for the largest pension funds in Illinois and does not include the 600+ police and fire pension funds mostly in Downstate. This landing page begins in a year when complete information for all funds is available.

Individual Pension Data Search – 

Distribution of Individual Benefits


Median Annual Benefit


Number of Benefits Paid

Search individual benefit data by full name, or by first or last name. For example, you can find John Doe by querying John Doe, Doe, or John. If searching by full name does not return the desired result, try a less specific first or last name search.

If you can't find who you're looking for, your results may change if you change funds or years.

First name Last name Annual Amount Years of Service Final Salary Benefit Start Date Status